
from Susan Brown
On June 1, 2022, cross-server raiding will be unlocked for the Mythic raid Mausoleum of the First in WoW. But also because cross-faction group play is available, the WoW developers want to adjust all bosses in the mausoleum again with WoW Patch 9.2.5 – but especially the mythical ones.

On June 1, 2022, two important things will happen in the online role-playing game World of Warcraft, which will primarily affect raiders. For one, it will cross-faction group game allows, which in turn means Hordlers and Allys can team up in instances to spank bosses.

On the other hand, the possibility of cross-server Mythic Mausoleum activated; so you can tackle the mythical mode of the raid together with players from other servers. To pave the way for your raid successes, the WoW makers will release a bar of adjustments to the bosses in the Mausoleum of the First with WoW Patch 9.2.5 – these mainly affect the mythical mode of the raid.

They formulate the reason behind it MMO devs at Blizzard on the WoW forums as follows: “We’ve had a lot of feedback from players who’ve played Mausoleum on all difficulty levels that some mechanics feel too unforgiving and that there are just too many places where a single mistake by a single player can cause an irrecoverable wipe. We agree, and several of our recent changes aim to reduce these penalties.This is a key topic of discussion within the team as we plan the Dragonflight raid encounters and focus on providing players with satisfying progression experiences on all raid difficulties. ” Below you will find the information on all planned adjustments in German, which we have hunted through Deepl and adjusted for you.

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