
Announced last December, Great Houses of Calderia intends to give a boost to development by directly involving the players. Indeed, a demo will soon be made available so that the studio can collect valuable feedback. In addition and exclusively ActuGaming, discover the second story trailer of the game.

The big house is ready to welcome its first soldiers

Publisher Firesquid and studio Resistance Games announce that Great Houses of Calderia will therefore soon be available for playtests which will take place from May 6 to 16. Participants will be able to discuss with the team to develop or by making direct feedback in order to influence the fine-tuning of the title.

As a reminder, Great Houses of Calderia is a kind of mixture between Game Of Thrones and Crusader Kings. In a universe inspired by the Renaissance, you will have to make your lineage prosper through the generations. This will require expanding your influence by managing politics, economics, diplomacy and even military strategies. We refer you to our long presentation of the game (link at the beginning of the article) for more information.

To register to test this next demo, simply go to this link. Great Houses of Calderia is scheduled for the end of 2022 on PC.

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