
The Microsoft Store can look forward to a prominent new addition: the free audio editor Audacity is now available there. However, the reason for this is rather strange and unpleasant, because the developers primarily want to defend themselves against various fake apps that are up to mischief in the store.

Like the chief developer with the Twitter pseudonym Tantracul writes (via Winfuture), you feel almost forced to take this step because there are various apps in the store using the name Audacity, which want to take money out of unsuspecting users and offer little or no functionality in return.

In fact, a search in the Microsoft Store for Audacity brings up at least four other results in addition to the original (in second place in the screenshot), where there is definitely a risk of confusion.

Audacity in the Microsoft Store

I don’t want to delve into the depths of licensing, I’m not smart enough for that, but Audacity is open source and licensed under the GPL, so it can be modified and distributed in principle. With dangerous half-knowledge, I would classify the name “Audio Editor PRO using Audacity” as ok, because it makes it clear enough that the program is based on Audacity, but is not the original. With the other entries, I would definitely share the assessment that they are fakes.

The problem of the numerous fake apps in the Microsoft Store is not new and remains annoying, but to put it into perspective, it must also be said that Microsoft is not exclusive to this problem. With a quick search, I was able to find listings peddling the Audacity name in the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store as well.

The developers came up with a clever trick for the Microsoft Store: they added a green tick to the logo of the official version, which looks like official verification. The updated logo does not yet appear in the overview, but it can already be seen in the detailed view:

Audacity in the Microsoft Store

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The post Audacity: The Original is coming to the Microsoft Store to fight the fakes appeared first on Gamingsym.