
New crazy spin-off for DC Comics animated productions from HBO Max, Kite Man arrives in its own series.

Following the success of the animated series harley quinn on the American streaming platform HBO Max, Warner Bros and DC Entertainment have just ordered a slightly wacky spin-off of the series originally centered on the villain that everyone adores.

It is the turn of a character little known to the general public to have his hour of glory: Kite Man will be featured in his own animated series titled Noonan.

For the teams at DC and Warner Bros, the success of the Harley Quinn series is an opportunity to think outside the box and explore the universe of comics from a more demented and humorous angle: “Harley Quinn has unlocked a world of hilarious possibility with iconic heroes and super villains from the DC Universesaid Peter Girardi, vice president of programming at Warner Bros. Animation in an HBO Max press release.

A quirky series

And this is where Kite Man comes into play. After being dumped by Poison Ivy just before their wedding, the super villain decides in a fit of heartache to become the new owner of the seediest bar in all of Gotham: Noonan.

© DC Entertainment / HBO Max / Warner Bros.

The synopsis of the series adds some details about the narrative framework of this new project: “The adorable loser that is Kite Man and his new partner Golden Glider get super-nasty part-time to afford their insane new purchase: the seediest bar in all of Gotham, Noonanwhere everyone knows your name but not necessarily your secret identity.

This simple bar then risks turning into a very strange landmark for a whole lot of colorful characters from the DC comics universe. Suzanna Makos, vice president of adult animated and comedy original content at HBO Max and Adult Swim confirms that the team in charge of this new spin-off has “managed to create the perfect hangout for Gotham City scum, where bar regulars can kick back and let off steam after a long day of destruction.”

As a reminder, the Harley Quinn series is already available in France on Toonamiand all 10 episodes of its spin-off will most likely air in the same place when it becomes available on an as-yet-unknown date.

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