Thank you IT home netizens seerU The clue is delivered!

IT Home News on April 29, Xiaomi Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi Home’s flagship store in Wanxianghui, Zhongshan Road, Nanning, grandly opened, see you tomorrow!

According to the preheating of Xiaomi Home in Guangxi, the largest flagship store of Xiaomi Home in the country,With an area of ​​1000 square meters, the new 4.0 image on three floors2000+ smart products and services such as smart phones, smart speakers, smart TVs, etc., can be found here. The Xiaomi House in Wanxianghui, Zhongshan Road, Nanning, is located at No. 229, Zhongshan Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning City.

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