
On the recent short video platform, Liu Genghong’s live broadcast of aerobics quickly became popular, setting off a nationwide fitness craze across the Internet. “Today, have you exercised with Liu Genghong?” It has become a “new greeting” for people nowadays. However, there are many “Liu Genghong girls” who dance with aerobics due to lack of exercise or non-standard movements during the dance, resulting in muscle soreness and walking downstairs the next day. embarrassed. The main cause of muscle soreness after exercise is mainly from the large amount of lactic acid produced during exercise. When the lactic acid produced by the human body during exercise is greater than the lactic acid consumed by the human body itself, the lactic acid will hinder the blood circulation, resulting in muscle soreness. Severe muscle soreness can also cause minor tears when the intensity of the exercise exceeds the capacity of the muscle fibers or soft tissue, affecting our daily activities. Therefore, it is best to relax properly after exercise. Muscle relaxation after exercise can greatly improve blood circulation, speed up blood flow, and reduce the content of lactic acid in the blood, thereby reducing fatigue and sports injuries. Facing people’s need for muscle relaxation after exercise, many massage .
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