I happened to be a couple of days ago when we first met him teaser the The Elder Scrolls VI, a new hopeful introduction to the fantasy story of Bethesda’s cuya product appears to be for long. In my opinion he already had several good things to do in the past, an idea that has already been ratified by new filters to those who could access insider Skullzi. Segn estos rumores, el juego estara ya en produccin propiamente dicha, dejando atrs la preproduccin pero mantenindose en unas fases tempranas. This means that no se lanzar hasta 2025 2026.
Adems from the latest launch venture, these filters are about the systems we are going to find in this new entry from The Elder Scrolls: al parecer, The Elder Scrolls VI tendra a deep system of politics in the que the traits, the matrimonios and the factions tendran an importo mucho que in anteriores entregas. La accin nos llevara hasta Pramo del Martillo, regin de los Guardias Rojos, a rumor that has been circulating since we saw the first thriller. Eso s, no esperis dragones: segn esta filtracin, las criaturas de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim no tendrn cabida in this new entry.
– Betrayals, marriage and factions matter in TES VI
– No dragons in TES VI
– TES VI in full dev, early stages
– Target release is 2025-26
– BGS Austin and Montreal working on Spyteam
– Mando MMO at Zenimax Online
– Quake reboot in talks
– TES and Fallout remasters via inXile— SKULLZI(@SkullziTV) April 26, 2022
Other surprising games from Xbox Game Studios
The information that has published the insider Skullzi no slo se refieren a The Elder Scrolls VIsino a otros proyectos de varios Xbox studios. For example, among the rumors that he llegado to his odos distacan a supuesto y surprendente PvPvE que estara desarrollando Roundhouse Studiosresponsible for Rune 2, and can be based on a large cmics license. Also known as Xile, Wasteland 3’s manager, is working on remastering some of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout’s classic tracks, while also having one reboot of Quake in conversations. On the other hand, there are divisions that Bethesda has in Austin and Montreal, which are mainly located in the filter Spyteampero sin duda lo ms surprendente de todo es que Zenimax Online is developing an MMORPG The Mandaloriana project of which tambin se han odo rumores anteriormente.
All these rumors come from one “reliable source” of Skullzi, although this insider tambin admits that no one can corroborate for his own. For another lad, the tambin conocido filter Speshal Nick make sure all of these details are in touch with rumors that have also been leaked to L. No matter, all of this information has not been officially confirmed.
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