
Activision has introduced a new function in its anti-cheating system Ricochet Call of Duty which can probably make the game a bit awkward for those who cheat in the game. The new feature in Ricochet is called “cloaking” and it means that players who are discovered cheating will not see their opponents in the game. Activision writes about cloaking:

“With Cloaking, players that are detected to be cheating can find themselves unable to see opposing players in the game world. Characters, bullets, even sound from legitimate players will be undetectable to cheaters. Legitimate players, however, can see cheaters impacted by cloaking (generally, they’ll be the players you see spinning in circles hollering, “Who is shooting me ?!”) and can dole out in-game punishment. “

The new feature in Call of Duty’s anti-cheating system will first start rolling out to Call of Duty: Vanguard to later also come to Call of Duty: Warzone.

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