
Cross-border e-commerce businessman Lin Feng has been unable to sleep for more than a month. As soon as he graduated from university, Lin Feng entered the cross-border e-commerce circle, and firmly believed that he could use the cross-border spring breeze to realize the myth of making wealth. On the Amazon platform, his store can sell thousands of orders a day, and the team size once exceeded 100 people. But starting in 2021, things have taken a turn for the worse. First, Amazon sent a wave of “three seals” (account closure, brand closure, and fund closure) for violations such as affiliated stores and reviewing reviews. ” (if the product is taken off the shelf, the logo of its dog will be displayed on the Amazon page); after that, the peers rolled up a wave of “Wu San Cabinets” and unfolded the inner volume of “one box of brushes, one box of delivery, one box of spikes” wind. Seeing the rising numbers on the shipping price list and the doubling of the advertising budget, Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said that he had become a “four lights”, with comments light, traffic light, capital light, and hair light. In order to find a way out, Lin Feng set his sights on the independent station. At that time, many European and American brands rely on independent stations to take DTC.
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