
The current mobile phone screen has basically achieved the same width on three sides, but the “chin” is always a “dark cloud” lingering above the head on the field. Recently, TCL CSOT officially announced that its narrow frame technology has reached maturity. By optimizing the circuit routing scheme of the lower frame, it can achieve a four-sided frame of 1mm. Compared with mainstream high-end brand mobile phones, the lower frame is reduced by about 23%. It is reported that the realization of this technology is due to TCL Huaxing’s new circuit structure design optimization for the narrow frame. By transferring the Fanout wiring to the interior of the county and urban areas, the wiring space of the original lower frame is avoided, thereby solving the problem. the “chin” problem. At the same time, in order to further weaken the presence of the frame in appearance, TCL Huaxing adopts a 2.5D arc design, which creates a visual borderless and borderless on the basis of a 1mm narrow frame. In addition to narrowing the frame, TCL CSOT’s next-generation under-screen camera technology has been gradually applied to the under-screen camera models of first-tier mobile phone manufacturers, without the visual obstruction of digging holes and water droplets, which further enhances the look and feel of the screen. .
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