
On May 28, it was learned from the official WeChat account of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation that the artificial weather modification equipment developed by the Zhongtian Rocket Company of the Fourth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation has made new contributions to alleviating the drought.

Since late April, precipitation in most parts of Liaoning and Jilin has continued to be low. During the spring ploughing season, significant agricultural droughts have occurred in western Liaoning and other places, which seriously affected the emergence and growth of spring crops in dry land.

Recently, Zhongtian Rocket Company of the Fourth Academy helped Liaoning achieve large-scale artificial rainfall.This artificial rain enhancement operation uses the rain enhancement and hail prevention rockets, aircraft flame bars, and ground shadow operation systems developed by Zhongtian Rocket Company of the Fourth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group on a large scale.

The data shows that Liaoning Province dispatched 3 aircraft sorties, burned 42 cold cloud tobacco rods, 126 sets of rocket launchers, launched 922 rockets, and burned 118 flame rods.Up to now, weather modification operations have increased precipitation by 412 million cubic meters, moderate to heavy rain has generally fallen across the province, and drought conditions in western Liaoning and other places have been relieved or effectively alleviated.

As of May, Zhongtian Rocket Company of the Fourth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group has provided more than 3,000 rockets, flame bars, 150 sets of launchers and other products to Liaoning.

It is reported that this year, Zhongtian Rocket Company of the Fourth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group has provided more than 40,000 rain-enhancing rockets for all parts of the country, more than 90 launchers, 7,600 aircraft and ground flame bars, and rockets. A large number of equipment products such as bomb storage and transportation boxes, special vehicles for people and shadows, and ground command systems.

Why do rockets increase rain?

It is understood that artificial precipitation requires certain weather conditions.When the cloud system develops to a certain thickness (greater than 2 kilometers), the water vapor supply in the cloud is sufficient and there is updraft, the operator can carry the catalyst to the effective part of the cloud through the anti-aircraft artillery, rocket or aircraft on the ground. It has the effect of artificial rain enhancement.

According to the data, the current methods of artificial precipitation are mainly aimed at the target cloud system.Use airplanes, rockets, anti-aircraft guns, and alpine smoke stoves to spread silver iodide, dry ice, salt powder and other catalysts into the clouds to make the clouds rain or increase the amount of rain.

Among them, aircraft mainly perform maneuvering operations against stable stratiform clouds in spring and autumn; ground rockets and anti-aircraft guns generally operate in places far from towns and villages.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Zhaohuiarticle error correction

Hashtags: Rocket Artificial Rain Science Popularization

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