
A few days ago, Alipay’s iOS version pushed the v10.2.64 version upgrade, and the official update content is “solved some known problems, optimized many details, and experienced a smoother experience”.

However, many iPhone users found that the icon on the Alipay homepage disappeared after the update.The “Scan” line at the top of Alipay’s homepage, as well as the bottom bar icon at the bottom are gone, and the text at the bottom has also become very small.

In this regard, Alipay responded last night that: a very small number of Apple mobile phone users have reported that the latest Apple version (iOS) Alipay App has an incomplete display of page icons, and this situation has been gradually repaired.

After working hard at night to fix the bug, the bug has now been fixed.

The Alipay App icon disappeared directly. Official response: Overnight repair has been solved

Just now, Alipay officially issued a document saying that this situation has been fixed in the early hours of this morning. If the mobile pages of individual users are still incomplete, it may be caused by caching. You can restart the app or upgrade the app to the latest version and enter it again.

The official said that this bug will not affect the use of various functions of the Alipay App and the security of account funds.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Jian Jiaarticle error correction

Hashtag: Alipay AppBug

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