
Microsoft will release a major update for Win11 22H2 “Sun Valley 2” this year, bringing many new features. As the release date gets closer, some of the updates have begun to slowly be revealed. Microsoft is developing a new task manager for Windows 11, which is built on top of the existing Win32 framework, but uses WinUI 3.0 design components, which allows the new task manager to have UI improvements such as Mica, Fluent Design, and acrylic. In addition, the new task manager also supports dark mode. It is understood that the new task manager abandons the classic tabbed interface and adopts a new sidebar that includes options such as processes, performance, application history, startup, users, details, services, etc. New option in “Settings” where users can toggle between light and dark modes. In the Windows Insider’s report, Microsoft called the Task Manager to design a colorful design. The Task Manager has been updated through the program to support the system accent color feature of Win11. Currently, Win11 can use heavy .
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