Illustrative image — Marcin Sylwia Ciesielski / Shutterstock.com

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has announced the discovery of 46 stunning, colorful depictions of two ancient Egyptian goddesses. 2,200 years old, these were covered with a thick layer of dust.

The goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet

Dedicated to Khnuman ancient Egyptian god associated with water and fertility, the ancient temple housing them is located at Esnaabout sixty kilometers south of Luxor (formerly Thebes). The hieroglyphs present on its pediment indicate that the structure was used for nearly 400 years, between the reigns of the pharaoh Ptolemy VI (180 to 145 BC) and Roman Emperor Death (249 to 251 CE).

In the centuries since its abandonment, dust and dirt have settled, gradually covering the frescoes painted on its ceilings “, Explain Christian Leitzresearcher atuniversity of tubingen and member of the Egyptian-German team participating in the restoration of the remains of the monument. ” Cleaning them with alcohol allowed us to reveal their vibrant colors. »

The impressive paintings represent mainly Nekhbetvulture goddess, and Wadjetwinged deity with the head of a cobra, respectively protectors of the High and some Lower Egypt.

In the middle of the 20th century, the French Egyptologist Serge Sauneron had been the first to document the temple of Khnum and its paintings, at the time partially visible “, Explain Daniel von Recklinghausenalso fromuniversity of tubingen. ” These new restoration works reveal all their richness and make it possible to put the different elements represented in relation. »

The restoration continues

According to the press release from the Egyptian ministry, only the vestibule (also called pronaos) of the temple remains today. Measuring 37 meters long, 20 wide and 15 high, it is probably one of the most recent parts of the temple. Currently continuing to restore the paintings, the team said they will soon publish a detailed description of their findings.

More than half of the ceilings and eight of the 18 columns have already been cleaned, protected and documented “, precise Leitz.

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