—Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com

Stan Lee passed away four years ago, but his fame and legend lives on. Over the past four years, the comic book publisher has no longer appeared in films based on his works. But that could soon change, as Marvel has inked a deal to insert Stan Lee CGI cameos in future MCU films.

Stan Lee is a true legend in the realm of comic books and superhero movies. The character is so iconic that fans look forward to each of these very brief appearances in Marvel movies. Sadly, these appearances have ceased since Stan Lee’s death in 2018. But since nothing seems impossible thanks to technology, Stan Lee cameos could well be inserted into future Marvel Cinematic Universe films.

As for how this would be possible, Marvel could notably use computer-generated image animation, or CGI. To be able to do this, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Marvel signed a 20-year contract with Genius Brands International and Stan Lee Universe. The agreement gives Marvel the right to license characters resembling Stan Lee in future Marvel films and television productions, as well as at Marvel facilities and physical performances, including at Disney theme parks and in production. derivative products.

With this new agreement, an infinity of possibilities on the exploitation of the image of Stan Lee opens up to Disney, but it has not yet been specified whether cameos from the famous publisher will actually be added to Marvel films. To go further, discover 10 little-known facts about Stan Lee that will surprise you.

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