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After The Witcher, resident Eviletc., Netflix announces a new adaptation of a famous video game franchise.

Serial video game adaptations are on the rise. Sony has just announced a new series video game adaptation. This time it’s Aloy’s turn to Horizon Zero Dawn to have its moment of glory. An announcement that was made during a series of questions / answers by Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO, Jim Ryan.

The project is still in its infancy, and for the moment, no synopsis or release date has been revealed. However, the series will be broadcast on Netflix. Sony has also confirmed other adaptations. A series god of war is indeed in preparation, but this time, at Amazon Prime Video. There will also be a series around the Gran Turismo franchise, but Jim Ryan has not announced a developer for this project.

These three new projects are therefore added to a great list of other adaptations. HBO Max is in full production of the series The Last of US. In addition, PlayStation Production is working on a film Ghost of Tsushima and an adaptation of Twisted Metal is expected on Peacok. What adaptation are you most looking forward to?

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