
As a true flagship mobile platform of MediaTek, the Dimensity 9000 can be said to be an instant hit. It has excellent performance and energy efficiency, and has naturally been recognized from manufacturers to users.

After OPPO Find X5 Pro Dimensity Edition and Redmi K50 Pro, vivo now also uses Dimensity 9000, and there are two products, one X80 and one X80 Pro Dimensity version.

The Dimensity 9000 in the two mobile phones is not only excellent in performance and energy efficiency, but also combined with the self-developed imaging chip V1+, which has made new breakthroughs in photography and video.

On the occasion of the debut of this new product, Kuai Technology also interviewedMr. Li Junnan, Technical Planning Director of MediaTek Wireless Communication Division, Mr. Zhang Genghao, Product Planning Director of Fast Technology Wireless Communication Division, and Ms. Yang Qing, Product Manager of vivo X Seriesand talked about the in-depth cooperation between the two sides.

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<p><strong>【Origin of cooperation】</strong></p>
<p>Li Junnan said that MediaTek and vivo have been cooperating for a long time.<strong>This time, both parties have devoted a lot of manpower and time to the bottom layer of the chip for joint adjustment. Through multi-dimensional and multi-level joint research and development, the flagship terminal has been upgraded from performance, AI, imaging, games, communications, multimedia and other fields. Differentiated experience.</strong></p>
<p>Yang Qing said,<strong><span style=This time, at the beginning of the cooperation between vivo and MediaTek, they established the goal of becoming the king of Dimensity 9000 and creating a new generation of flagship benchmark products.Therefore, the self-developed image chip V1+ is adapted for the Dimensity 9000, and the dual-core synergy releases the strongest performance.

Both parties have invested in an elite team of more than 300 people. After a research and development cycle of more than 350 days, they have greatly innovated the software channel architecture, and finally connected V1+ and Dimensity 9000.

Why choose Dimensity 9000? Yang Qing pointed out that the philosophy of vivo and MediaTek is very consistent.They are all innovativeboth adhere to the user-oriented, user-driven demand, the two sides have also cooperated for a long time and established a good tacit understanding.

Moreover, the performance of the Dimensity 9000 itself is very outstanding. It has both excellent performance and an excellent energy efficiency ratio, which is very suitable for vivo’s flagship.

As for why vivo failed to launch or the first batch of Dimensity 9000, Yang Qing explained that it was mainly for the refinement of the chip.

In vivo’s view, first of all, it is necessary to make the Dimensity 9000 better adapt to the self-developed chip V1+, so as to achieve the best experience. Secondly, vivo has its own rhythm, and hopes that consumers can feel the intention of the cooperation between the two parties.

Judging from the actual performance of the X80 and X80 Pro, the extra month of waiting is worth it. The performance and energy efficiency of the Dimensity 9000 are at the top level, and the image strength has been fully demonstrated. It can be used in various scenarios. It is easy to cope with, especially in extreme night scenes, it has opened up a new situation. It can be said that the Dimensity 9000 has achieved a perfect integration with the V1+ self-developed chip and Zeiss lens.

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<p><strong>【Details of cooperation】</strong></p>
<p>So, what kind of sparks did this cooperation between vivo and MediaTek create?</p>
<p>Yang Qing pointed out,<span style=The biggest optimization, and also the biggest challenge, is how to make Dimensity 9000 and V1+ achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

In the current mobile phone ecosystem, the criteria for evaluating the strength of manufacturers are no longer purely hardware configuration and supply chain.What is more important is whether the chip can be used properly and correctly, that is, whether it can be adjusted through and through, and whether it can achieve a perfect balance between performance and power consumption in actual use scenarios.

For example, the hardware of the V1+ chip and the frame insertion algorithm are called to optimize the stability of the frame rate and achieve a balance between performance and power consumption.

For example, the combination of Dimensity 9000 and V1+ can well realize the function of real-time black light night vision.

For example, the AI ​​computing power of the APU is called, and the multiple processors inside and outside are linked together to complete the rendering of the game screen together with the GPU, thereby releasing part of the load of the GPU.

For example, for hardcore players, the GPU Setting Panel has been opened, allowing to customize the display effect of the screen, including anisotropic filtering, texture filtering quality, etc., bringing personalized and customized game effects.

Regarding the X80 Pro offering both Dimensity 9000 and Snapdragon 8 versions, what are the differences besides the processor? Yang Qing said that the two are based on the characteristics of different platform chips, and have their own advantages in realizing experience. Vivo’s comprehensive optimization can represent the ceiling of the current flagship performance experience, providing consumers with more options for purchasing machines.

Li Junnan said,In response to the cooperation of vivo V1+, Dimensity 9000 provides Dimensity open architecture for deep integration, combining the high-performance APU of Dimensity 9000, hardware HDR, and excellent processing capabilities of V1+, so that all shooting scenes can reach a better level, and Dimensity Open Architecture. It is forward compatible, which is convenient for continuous optimization and iteration.

For example, the AI-ISP open architecture interface has been added to the video link, allowing the vivo AI algorithm to implement AI functions with lower power consumption and better effects, including AI-3A and AI-AWB.

For example, in the display technology, the hardware for the high-precision calibration of the display link screen has been added, combined with the newly developed calibration algorithm of vivo, to achieve low power consumption, super flagship-level thousand-screen one-color performance, and can maintain consistent color under different brightness. Yes, this is also a big breakthrough.

For example, the full-scene HDR display enhancement of the Dimensity 9000 is used, and the game frame insertion function of V1+ is used to further improve the fluency.

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<p><strong>【Self-developed chip】</strong></p>
<p>Self-developed chips have become a major trend in the mobile phone industry. At present, domestic brands mainly focus on DSP, ISP, charging and other fields. Vivo’s V1 last year and this year’s V1+ are typical representatives.</p>
<p>Why do you need to spend time and effort to develop your own chips? Yang Qing pointed out,<span style=One of the driving forces is to bring unprecedented experience to users and maximize the balance of power consumption and performance. The second driving force is to hope to achieve breakthroughs with each other, have more innovations, and create greater value for the industry together.

Yang Qing emphasized that self-research does not mean doing things behind closed doors, and the methods can be flexible and diverse. For example, if industry partners do not have the resources to do it in the short term, vivo will do it. For example, if there is a lack of differentiation, if partners can do it, vivo will give priority to cooperation.

At present, vivo’s own chip research and development resources are mainly deployed in the design of algorithms, IP conversion, and chip architecture, while the IC circuit design, tape-out, production and other processes will be handed over to partners. Both parties use their respective expertise and advantages to reasonably F.

Zhang Genghao believes that,The mode of dual-core cooperation means that the cooperation between chip manufacturers and terminal manufacturers has entered a deeper level. The most important purpose is to release the potential of the entire chip, and create better products that meet the needs of users according to the differentiated needs of terminals. experience.

For the development of the entire industry, this model is quite positive. Manufacturers all hope to create performance and experience that are truly differentiated and that end consumers can feel. Chip manufacturers and terminal manufacturers discuss more possibilities together and make progress together, which has substantial innovation significance for manufacturers and even the entire industry.

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<p><strong>【future plan】</strong></p>
<p>At present, the global semiconductor industry continues to face the situation of “lack of cores”, but MediaTek said that the stock of Dimensity 9000 is quite sufficient. The epidemic situation and production capacity are indeed great challenges for the industry, but MediaTek’s preparations are quite sufficient. Support will fully meet the needs of customers and the market.</p>
<p><strong>Regarding the performance of the Dimensity 9000, MediaTek seems to have initially met its internal expectations. The most important thing is to let the market see the technical strength of MediaTek.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Regarding future plans, MediaTek said,<span style=The major iteration of the flagship platform is basically once a year, and the overall performance and power consumption will be further improved, and the Dimensity 9000 itself will also have some optimizations, which can be expected in the near future.

As for vivo, there will be more models based on the Dimensity platform, Yang Qing has sold it, please look forward to it.

When talking about product and brand building in the communication, Zhang Genghao also sighed with emotion: “The high-end brand, we understand that this can not be achieved overnight, it is a lasting challenge. We believe that products are the cornerstone of the brand, good products can naturally drive the brand to be recognized by users, soMediaTek will still focus on innovation at the technology and product levels, and while creating an excellent product, it will also strengthen brand operations.The fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Good products need to be known to people and take a little time to brew. “

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The post Uncover the secret of the King of Dimensity 9000!MediaTek + vivo reached 1+1>2 in one year-MediaTek, vivo, Dimensity 9000, vivo X80, vivo X80 Pro – Kuai Technology (Media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.