
Samsung is now releasing a new external SSD which they call the T7 Shield. The last part of the name alludes, of course, to the fact that the SSD is a little extra durable and should withstand tougher conditions both outdoors and indoors.

The T7 Shield has an IP65 water-resistant aluminum casing that can withstand rain and dust, it should also have some kind of “crush resistance” and protection against falls up to 3 meters high. The SSD has read speeds of up to 1050MB / s and write speeds of up to 1000MB / s, which Samsung says is more than 1.9 times faster than SATA-based portable SSDs. It comes in the colors black beige and blue.

The price for 1TB is around SEK 1890, 2TB costs around SEK 3449.


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Samsung, external ssd, T7 Shield, tough

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