Thank you IT home netizens MissBook The clue is delivered!

IT House April 27 news, drone manufacturer DJI announced that the company is internally re-evaluating different jurisdictions.compliance requirements. During the current review period,DJI to suspend all business activities in Russia and Ukraine.

DJI stated that we are working with customers, partners and other stakeholders to temporarily suspend business operations in the affected areasmake contact.

IT House learned that in March this year, DJI responded to the “drone product being removed by MediaMarkt, Germany’s largest electronic retailer”, saying that last week, the social media accounts of DJI and its global partners suffered from coordinated efforts. The unanimous navy swipe attack, slandering DJI’s inappropriate behavior in the international situation, brought trouble to the multi-party social media operations.


DJI said that the German MediaMarktSaturn retail group, which has been a partner of DJI for many years, is also one of the victims of this cyber violence. Last Friday, they suspended the sales of DJI drones in e-commerce and stores for safety reasons. The two parties are still communicating and discussing this incident.

DJI pointed out in the description that they have repeatedly reiterated that all DJI products are designed for civilian use.Unable to meet military specifications. It is completely wrong to accuse DJI of supporting war on overseas social platforms.

In addition, DJI claims to comply with applicable laws and regulations globally, and its internal compliance team consists of experienced professionals to ensure that DJI’s business activities fully comply with international rules.

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