
It’s been a while since we last heard from TimeTem. This Pokémon-like was originally scheduled for 2021. Like many other titles, it has been pushed back to a later date. Date which is now known! It will be on September 6th that you will be able to explore the islands of Omninesia. The information comes straight from Humble Games and Crema, accompanied by an announcement trailer:

As a reminder, the strength of the title lies in the possibility of living the adventure with several people in coop. The six archipelagos will lead you to the rank of master tamer of TemTem, battling against Clan Belosto. But it does not stop there. Indeed, the title also offers a housing system like Animal Crossing. The game already has content planned for the months following its release. Once 1.0 is available, the developers are planning several seasonal updates as well as a season pass system. TimeTem will be available on Xbox Series X|S, PS5, Switch and PC via Steam.

The post TemTem arrives September 6 on our consoles appeared first on Gamingsym.