Sony has revealed important dates about the company’s plans, and PlayStation in detail, in a charla to investors and societies. The strategy of its game division will be created in the near future, with 2025, with various initiatives that could potentially launch PC and mobile launches, in addition to the number of “games with service” and the expansion of PlayStation Studios, the organic way and mediante acquisitions.
Jim Ryan, executive director of PlayStation, said Sony has not decided to expand its internal studios with acquisitions y buscar nuevos acuerdos. Sony acquires this to Bungie, creators of Destiny y HaloHaven and Jade Raymond’s new studio, which sums up various purchases in the long run of 2021.
PlayStation wants to integrate Bungie as gaming experts and services and amplify an aspect that does not interfere with dedicated studios in this business model. Los GaaS –games as service– suponen casi la mitad de la inversin de PS5 y plana aumentarlo hasta 55% en el ao fiscal de 2025.

PC y mviles supondrn casi la mitad de sus lanzamientos en 2025
Sony hopes that the launches for PlayStation 4 will gradually disappear from its launches first partye incorporarn el PC y los mviles. Adems de confirm PC sales with its first games, Sony prev que in 2025 the launch of its launches will be available for PlayStation 5 and the rest will be shared between PC and mviles. Of these, 50% are original games, with the difference being that 66% are licensed. The strategy is to “have a future where a large part of our community extends ms all of the consoles”.

In the hardware part, Sony confirms that the manufacturing restrictions of PS5 be alivien to be able to surpass the rhythm of sales that tuvo PS4. PlayStation 5 runs the console that ms rpido lleg a los 10 millones, pero los problems de logstica impidieron que esas ventas se mantuviesen duran el timeo. Tambin is avoiding the instability of the last months, due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, with new summit ministers.
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