
The beautiful woman was almost lost by a strange man: the iPhone SOS emergency contact function saved her

Do you know or have used the emergency contact function on your mobile phone?

According to media reports, Kelli Worst, a woman in Virginia, USA, recently recounted her own experience. If it weren’t for the iPhone’s SOS emergency contact function, she almost lost her life.

According to the report, it was midnight on December 19, 2019, and Worst was about to take a taxi home after a party with friends. At this time, a strange man came towards her.

The man came to ask for help. He said he was a soldier and had just lost his mobile phone. Because his brother was also in the army, Worst dropped his guard after hearing the introduction and began to help find it.

However, making calls and using Find My seemed to be ineffective. When the woman handed the phone to the man and asked him to enter the number, the man quit the program and started some indecent teasing.

Worst had a bad premonition in an instant. She took back her phone and turned to leave. Unexpectedly, the man followed closely, covered the woman’s nose and mouth, and threw her down, preparing to do something wrong. The man threatened to carry a murder weapon, and the woman had better obey.

At a critical moment, Worst thought of the iPhone’s SOS emergency contact function, which was what finally got the woman out of danger.

The arrested man, Najee Bullock, did not plead guilty until December last year and the court sentenced him to 30 years in prison, suspended for 15 years.

PS: For how to use and set the emergency contact function of iPhone SOS, please refer toApple official website tutorial.

Beautiful woman was assaulted by a strange man and almost lost her life: iPhone SOS emergency contact function saved her life

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: iPhone SOS Sexual Assault

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