
On April 26, according to a CCTV news report, the Ministry of Transport stated that during the “May 1st” holiday, 7-seat small passenger cars will pass free of charge on toll roads across the country. The Labor Day holiday in 2022 will be from April 30 to May 4, a total of 5 days, and the toll road for small passenger vehicles with less than 7 seats (including 7 seats) will be exempted from tolls. The specific toll free period is April 30 (Saturday) 0:00 to 24:00 on May 4 (Wednesday). The toll-free passage of the expressway is subject to the time when the vehicle leaves the toll lane at the exit, that is, vehicles that leave the expressway exit between 0:00 on April 30 and 24:00 on May 4 can enjoy the toll free policy. It is worth noting that every year, car owners encounter the situation that the free time of high-speed has expired, but they have not yet reached their destination. In this regard, you can go down to a nearby expressway intersection before the free deadline, and then return to the expressway. In addition, Zhou Rongfeng, deputy director of the Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, introduced that this year’s “May 1st” Labor Day holiday, road travel is mainly for tourism and family visits, and the popularity has dropped significantly compared with last year, mainly for medium and short-distance self-driving travel. Compared with the Qingming holiday, “May 1&rd .
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