
The annual 618 is coming. With the popularity of the metaverse concept, Taobao will also test the waters of “metaverse shopping” this year. Tech Planet learned from Taobao insiders that in order to prepare for this 618, Taobao has established a special project team of the Metaverse, which is optimizing the virtual shopping venue overnight, and will launch Metaverse shopping during the 618. It is understood that Taobao transferred some technicians to set up a special project team of the Metaverse several months ago to explore shopping and interactive scenarios. Among them, the key point to be solved is the link problem of “people and goods yard”, to ensure that users can initially realize virtual shopping links at the front end without wearing external devices, so as to meet the needs of three-dimensional “going to Taobao”. A person close to the project said that the above-mentioned screen is still a beta scene, “It looks like an old version from a few months ago, this product is still being optimized, but the goal and end point must be to ensure smooth virtual shopping for users. ability.” .
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