
IT House news on April 26, the information shows that on April 25, Chengdu Yewang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. added a new information on resumption of execution. The target of execution is 938,300 yuan. The judicial case is a sales contract dispute, and the execution court is Chengdu. City Chenghua District People’s Court.

The information shows that the company was established in 2017, the legal representative is Guan Zhiliang, the executive director is Luo Yonghao,100% owned by Beijing Hammer Digital Technology Co., Ltd..

Luo Yonghao recently confirmed that he will fade out and make friends live broadcast and return to the technology circle. Huang He said that Luo Yonghao did not completely leave to make friends, but only used his main energy to start a new technology business. He will still maintain the same frequency of live broadcasts as now.

In March this year, 36 Krypton reported that Luo Yonghao will fade out of the daily management of the Make Friends company around May, and start a new round of high-tech company entrepreneurship. The new project is VR / AR / MR equipment. At that time, Luo Yonghao said that the new entrepreneurial project had been formed, and the name had not yet been determined.

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