
Staying up late hurts the body, in addition to reducing immunity, it is also easy to induce stomach problems.

According to CCTV news, insufficient sleep will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system, and autonomic nervous system disorders can lead to functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis and even peptic ulcer.Therefore, people who often stay up late have a higher incidence of stomach problems..

According to experts, people who stay up late at night will reduce a factor called TFF secreted by the stomach. This factor is secreted by the stomach to protect itself.It can form a jelly-like substance on the mucosal surface of the stomach, which can reduce the attack and damage of gastric acid and pepsin to the gastric mucosa.

This factor is secreted to the highest level during sleep at night, which is in line with the natural laws of the human body and the rules of work and rest. If you stay up late and do not sleep and are always in a state of excitement, the secretion of this factor will decrease, and the stomach will lose this at night. A protective factor, in the long run, will feel the discomfort of the stomach, when in fact they have been hurt.

In addition, studies have shown that adultsIf you can’t get 7-8 hours of sleep for three consecutive days, your immune function will be reduced by halfthree hours less sleep a day is enough to reduce the function of important immune cells.

A study in the United Kingdom shows that poor sleep habits can lead to infections, depression, diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart disease and cancer, etc. Frequent lack of sleep can also induce mental confusion.

So, for your own health, don’t stay up late when you can go to bed early.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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Hashtags: stay up late stomach trouble

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