
Zoom Communication has not sufficiently protected its program from hackers. Now she is forced to pay $85 million in moral damages.

Video conferencing service Zoom will pay a “historic” amount. Attackers wedged into video conferences, insulted participants and showed obscene content to users. The wave of hacks came during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many companies moved their employees to work remotely.

One of the most high-profile incidents occurred with the parishioners of the San Francisco Lutheran Church. Elderly people studied the Bible via video link. The lesson was interrupted by one of the intruders. Videos of a pornographic nature and scenes of violence against children appeared on the screens. What they saw shocked those present. The host was unable to exclude the uninvited participant and disconnected the conference.

A similar incident occurred during a meeting of the Senate in Italy. Those present were treated to a spicy version of Final Fantasy. Among the participants of the conference there were several important persons from different fields of activity, including the Nobel laureate.


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