
Que Sony is realizing a strong force for them games as a service It is clear that we have clarified with Bungie’s agreement, moving forward that we will announce our intention to publish these projects in the early 2026s. commented on his plans for the future and he wanted to talk about this topic: during the charla han he concretado algo ms on his goal, revealing that planean publish dos games as a service that estn sin anunciar antes de abril de 2023, es decir, en este ao fiscal.

In fact, the company mentioned three, which is not one of them and we know it: Jim Ryanexecutive director of PlayStation, has announced the release date of MLB The Show inside of this bag. Quedan otros dos sin anunciar, explained during the reunion, but did not ask for dates from those days before they were officially announced. Eso s, segn parece en la propia reunin Ryan ha desmentido que estn relacionados con Destiny 2.

Cules podran ser esos juegos como servicio?

One knows these intentions, cominzan las speculations. Although we do not have an official level, it is clear that there are some known and rumored projects that can be found in this ‘games as a service’ label: Factionsthe desperate multijugador de The Last of Us Parte II which prepares Naughty Dog, can be one of them. Hecho recently updated new information about this project in the comments section podra haber created enormously. Another game that can be found in this definition is Twisted Metala supuesto reboot with features on-line which has passed from Lucid Games, responsible for Destruction AllStarsand Firesprite, from PlayStation Studios.

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