
Recently, the “Chinese Academy of Sciences has suspended CNKI because the renewal fee of 10 million is too expensive”. News on April 26, according to Changjiang Daily, the State Administration for Market Regulation said on April 25 when replying to the online message of a reporter from Changjiang Daily: It has been concerned about the suspected monopoly problem of CNKI reported by various parties and is carrying out relevant work in accordance with the law. Previously, the 90-year-old retired professor Zhao Dexin sued CNKI for rights protection, which aroused public attention. According to previous reports, the main reason for the suspension of CNKI by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is, “In 2021, the total subscription cost of the CNKI database of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Group has reached tens of millions, and the high subscription cost has become a ‘big mac’ in the introduction of resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Group. ‘”. A teacher in the library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is responsible for the implementation of this matter confirmed that the fact that the renewal fee of nearly “tens of millions” and the suspension of access to CNKI on the Internet is true, and the various institutions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are actively responding to the problems caused by the suspension of CNKI. Influence. “As of April 20, 2022, .
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