“Cyberpunk 2077” is associated with the striking neon color that the developers used for the logo and communication with players. At a games conference, it was now explained why the yellow tone was chosen.
Thinking of CD Projekt’s “Cyberpunk 2077”, many players can certainly imagine the flashy neon color that the developers have used in many materials related to the role-playing game. The special neon yellow was used in artwork and in communication with the players, among other things. At a conference, the developers now explained how the color came about.
Cyberpunk 2077: neon yellow as a trademark
Lead Environment Artist Michał Janiszewski gave the Coca-Cola glass bottle as an example at the beginning of his presentation “Why is everything so yellow”. You can already recognize them by their shape, design, font and color. CD Projekt also wanted to achieve such a reaction: “We talked about Coca Cola,” says Janiszewski. “The yellow color is pretty much the same. It conveys the information, you can easily remember it.”
Even though the iconic yellow is less common in the game, the developers tried to bring the color to Night City as well. With some characters you can see it in their clothes, in other places the neon yellow was used as the main color for an entire city district.
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“There were companies in Poland trying to use the color,” says Lead Environment Artist Kacper Niepokólczycki. “I remember here there were food ads on bus stops and cellphones that used the color to get attention. They literally used the color because they realized how powerful it can be. Here in Poland, cyberpunk got crazy at some point, posters everywhere – and the people [stahlen] just take the paint and use it on yourself.”
Source: IGN
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