
IT House reported on May 25 that the 2022 Fortune 500 list was announced. This is the 68th year that Fortune has published the list. Overall, the threshold for this year’s list has risen to $6.39 billion, up from $5.37 billion last year. The total revenue of all 500 companies on the list rose to $16.1 trillion from $13.8 trillion last year, up about 16.9% from last year and the largest increase since 1975. Earnings at these largest U.S. companies surged last year,Total profits were about $1.84 trillion, up 114 percent from last year and the largest annual increase since 2010.

On this year’s list, Walmart topped the list for the tenth year in a row with its operating income, Amazon remained in second place, Apple remained in third place, and Google parent Alphabet was eighth. Meta’s operating income rose 37% last year, and its ranking rose seven places to 27th.

IT House understands that the most popular technology companies in the US market: whether it is the combination of “FAANG” (ie Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google), or the combination of “MANTA” (Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, Tesla and Apple), the rankings remained the same or improved.

In terms of profitability,Apple made a profit of $94.68 billion last year, an increase of about 65% from the previous year, ranking first in the profit list. Berkshire Hathaway doubled its profits last year and returned to No. 2. During the past 8 years,Apple has been the most profitable company on the list for 7 years. At the same time, Apple has become the most valuable company on the list for the second year in a row with a market value of nearly $3 trillion.

Technology and finance remain the most profitable industries, with 8 of the top 10 most profitable companies coming from these two industries.

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