
IT House news on April 25th, according to Tech Planet news, Douyin recently tested the “listening video” function, which allows short videos to be played in a specially made player, and after locking the screen or switching the background , can continue to listen.

According to the test chart, it can be found that in the “listen video” mode, the short video will be stored in a special player,Users can “time”, “fast forward”, “rewind”, “double speed”, “pause” and other operations on short videosthe entire playback operation is similar to that of a music player.

When the user switches the related audio source, just swipe left and right on the short video in the middle of the player to switch.

IT House learned that Douyin tested the “listening” video mode in November last year. After switching back to the desktop or locking the screen, users can continue to “listen” to the video in the Douyin app just like listening to a book. However, this “listening” video mode is still not officially launched.

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