
On May 23, the State Council executive meeting was held to further deploy a package of measures to stabilize the economy, and strive to push the economy back to a normal track to ensure that it operates within a reasonable range. For the automobile industry, the meeting decided to reduce the purchase tax of some passenger cars by 60 billion yuan in stages. According to “First Financial”, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Passenger Federation, revealed: “If the bullets are finished in the second half of the year and the main support for fuel vehicles is to support fuel vehicles, it is expected that the annual car sales will increase by more than 5%.” At present, the specific implementation rules have not yet been issued, but There are many speculations that the above-mentioned 60 billion yuan may be fully distributed before the end of this year, in order to quickly stimulate and stimulate consumption in the short term. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, auto production in April this year fell 46% from March, the largest decline among all major industrial products. Cui Dongshu said, “From the structural analysis of the downturn in the auto market, the traditional fuel vehicle purchasers have been hit the hardest in recent years and need support the most.” If the purchase tax reduction is like the previous two mainly for small-displacement passenger vehicles, the reduction will be reduced to 5%. About the tax rate, a rough calculation can cover 11 million vehicles, bringing a 5% growth rate of automobile consumption. It is reported that .
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