
Nice trailer released, nothing for spring-rushing rabbits!

Liked The Medium praised the artist Zdzisław Beksiński in his play. Now a new studio is emerging that also has Beksiński’s art as one of the sources of inspiration. In addition, it is said to have glanced at more gamer-known role models such as Planescape: Torment and Dark Souls.

Nazralath: The Fallen World developed by Euclidean Studios, and recently released a super cool trailer (with gameplay and pre-rendered material) that arouses equal parts disgust and interest. The game will be a story-driven third-person adventure, with role-playing elements. According to the developer, the focus is on strong action and exploration in a richly carved world full of atmosphere.

This is how the studio describes its new project:

Nazralath is the child of all of our skills, knowledge and inspirations. It’s an experience woven from the mechanics of our favorite games growing up, the texts of our favorite authors’ thematic and narrative styles, and the brush strokes of our favorite painters and digital artists. We consider it a unique and fresh take on the RPG genre, and a reincarnation of classic game design values ​​which seem to have been lost to time. ”

FZ has contacted the studio’s representatives to get more information. We will update the news if more becomes available.

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