
12 provinces will encounter heavy rains, heavy rains will occur in many places in Henan: the maximum rainfall is 96.7 mm

From April 24th, a new round of large-scale heavy rainfall will strike, and 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Henan, Anhui, and Zhejiang will encounter heavy rains. record for the same period.

The heavy rainfall process has a wide range of impacts. The area south of the Yellow River will also encounter the largest range of strong convective weather this year. Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou and other places may experience thunderstorms, gales and hail of magnitude 8 to 9. The public in the above areas should pay attention to early warnings in time. Forecast information, do a good job of defense.

Recently, heavy rainfall in my country has gradually increased. From April 22 to 23, Jiangnan, South China and other places have just experienced a round of heavy rainfall. Among them, the Guangdong and Guangxi regions have the strongest rain, and local heavy rains have appeared, and the daily rainfall exceeds 100mm.

Starting today, a new round of large-scale heavy rainfall will start, and the area south of the Yellow River will encounter the largest range of strong convective weather this year. At present, the impact of rainfall in southern Shaanxi, northeastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei and other places has begun to show, with scattered heavy rainfall, of which the precipitation in Liangping, Chongqing reached 55.6 mm in 6 hours.

It is expected that on April 27, this round of heavy rainfall will significantly weaken and end. However, it is still difficult to reverse the rainy pattern in the south before the May Day holiday. From April 28 to 30, another round of rainfall will strike, and there will be moderate to heavy rains in the eastern part of Southwest China, Jianghan, Jiangnan, and northern South China. Local or heavy rain. The rainfall in the above-mentioned areas will be 30% to 60% higher than that of normal years, and the rainfall in Jiangxi, Hunan and other places will be more than doubled.

According to the latest Henan Meteorological report,From 06:00 on the 24th to 06:00 on the 25th: heavy rain occurred in Nanyang and Xinyang, heavy rain in Pingdingshan and Zhumadian, and heavy rain in Sanmenxia and Luoyang. There are 146 rainfall stations with a precipitation exceeding 50 mm, of which 22 are larger than 100 mm. The maximum precipitation occurred in Baimayan, Tanghe County, Nanyang City at 196.7 mm. The maximum hourly rain intensity was 92.8 mm in Zhangdian, Tanghe County, Nanyang City.​​​​

12 provinces will encounter heavy rains, heavy rains will occur in many places in Henan: the maximum rainfall is 96.7 mm

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