Searches for traces of large animals are constantly increasing. In 2020, researchers claimed to have discovered what appeared to be the tallest animal on Earth. This discovery was made around Australia in a deep-sea canyon. It is the siphonophore which measured about 45 meters. According to LiveSciencesiphonophores live between 700 and 1,000 meters below the surface of the sea. Following this huge discovery, researchers became even more interested in the giants that inhabited the Earth billions of years ago.
imposing animals
It’s not just in 2020 that archaeologists have discovered surprising animals. In 2011, they discovered the carcass of a species of whale that washed up on the New Zealand beach, and it was not until 2021 that scientists managed to identify it. It was a beaked whale. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation even claimed that this type of whale is rarely seen on the surface and dwells in the depths of the ocean.
The colossal animals of our time are the African elephants. They measure up to 4 meters in height and can weigh up to 11 tons. In addition to these savannah animals, there are also primates that can measure more than 1.50 meters in height. These are the orangutans of Indonesia, which were discovered in 2017.
Researchers have dated back to the prehistoric era
As a result of these numerous discoveries, scientists have looked a little more closely at the extinct giants. These are the sauropod dinosaurs. They are large herbivores with long necks. According to Paul Barret, paleontologist at the London museum, this kind of dinosaurs is equivalent to six or seven large African elephants. It was in Argentina that archaeologists discovered titanosaur fossils. Around 1993, they discovered bones of this dinosaur, and according to the research carried out on them, they were 35 meters high and weighed up to 77 tons.
In 2014, they discovered bones belonging to the titanosaur family, but which were much longer than those discovered in Argentina. They were smaller as they weighed only 60 tons but measured up to 37 meters in height. The most recent discovery was made in 2021. But archaeologists said they have not yet studied the specimen deeper in order to find out all the information about it.
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