
April 24, 2015: This day marks the official launch of the Apple Watch, the wristwatch that Tim Cook has called “the next chapter in Apple’s history.”

Fans, after enduring a seven-month wait since the device was announced in early September of the previous year, were finally able to put their Apple Watch on their wrists. However, behind the scenes, the development of the Apple Watch continued.

It was far from the first Apple device created since Jobs’ death, but it was the first major product line to usher in a new era. According to his former colleagues, “Steve knew about the watch, but did not see it as a product.”

Apple Watch launch is the start of something bigger

The Apple Watch was conceptualized during Apple engineers’ work on iOS 7, when the company brought in smart sensor experts to create a product that was fundamentally different from the iPhone.

The Apple Watch also marked Apple’s attempt to become a company selling not only computers, but also high-end products such as expensive cars. The launch of the $17,000 Apple Watch and the demonstration of the device at Fashion Week in Paris marked a strategic shift to embrace high-end fashion in a way that Apple had not openly done before.

Four years after the debut of the Apple Watch, it’s still not a breakthrough product, but it remains the company’s biggest hit, even though Apple doesn’t release sales figures.

The latest Apple Watch models have added vital features such as the Apple Watch Series 4 ECG to their commercial success and have been a strong selling point.

The post the official release of the Apple Watch appeared first on Gamingsym.