
The wave of layoffs in the Internet industry continues, and the game live broadcast industry is also turbulent. Recently, two leading companies in the game live broadcast field, Huya and Douyu, have reported large layoffs. On April 24, according to Tech Planet, Huya recently conducted a round of overall layoffs, involving both international and domestic business. The international business was hit the hardest, with 70% layoffs in the operation department, resulting in a significant shrinkage of the Nimo operation team for overseas products, and 50% layoffs in other departments; Games” and other innovation sectors. At present, Huya Live has about 2,000 employees and more than 200 in the internationalization department. Huya’s layoffs this time were neat and tidy. The in-service optimized employees received notices in the morning and went through the formalities to resign in the afternoon. On the social software Maimai, some netizens who had joined the company soon said, “Negotiate the salary, complete the medical examination, and prepare the entry documents. Tell me about the internal adjustment and cancel it.” In addition, many fresh graduates have also been terminated. Huya declined to comment. Douyu, which almost merged with Huya into one company, also recently launched .
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