
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance fill diez aos el prximo marzo, una cita par la que todava quedan unes meso pero cuya celebracin parece haberse adelantado: el hack’n’slash PlatinumGames has increased its number of simultaneous players in one 1000%, adding users’ numbers that have not been released since its launch in 2013 (although a PC was released in 2014). La razn de este repentino xito? Al parecer, han sido los memes the ones he provoked this aluvin of new players.

A while ago this part became popular on the Internet a series of memes with images and sacred videos of this particular entree of the saga Metal Gear, a game that, frankly, performs this type of community creation created by its extravagant tone. One of the memes has to be with Jetstream Samone of the characters of Metal Gear Rising, thinking while rushing the barbilla; another our model in the same person applauding between explosions. Steven Armstronganother of the characters of the game, is also another side of them memes of this entry.

Ms 2000 simultaneous players on Steam

The curiosity is that the race of the oleada of memes the Metal Gear Rising many people have launched it and try to discover that, in reality, it is a very good action game. “Entr por mem memes y sal con muy buen sabor de boca”, dice una persona and Twitter. And there is no one who has published a similar message. Fruit of this xito repentino, Metal Gear Rising has surpassed the 2,000 simultaneous players on PCsegn vemos en SteamDBand it was located between the 180 games sold by the platform and it is not realizing any communicative action at the official level, ni tampoco is of offer.

Casually, in the finals of my match, Konami will be revealed has registered the mark Metal Gear Rising and Japna movement that can be related to the twentieth anniversary and with the supuesto between the Japanese company in reviving some of its sagas, as Silent Hill. If you want to come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position Vandal we highly recommend playing with it spin-off of what in our analysis we decimate that “dejar grabados momentazos which can only be played by one of Kojima’s with one of the master masters as his PlatinumGames “.

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