
Cars are getting smarter and smarter, and many cars come with a “smart summon” function, such as Tesla, which allows the vehicle to automatically drive to a designated location without getting in the car. The owner had an accident while using the feature.

According to users on the social news site Reddit, at Fields Field in Spokane, Washington, USA, a Tesla Model Y turned on the “Smart Summon” function.Crash into a private jet worth $3.5 million (about 22.785 million yuan)pushed it straight away.


The whistleblower said that the Tesla owner enabled the “smart summon” function at the time, which allows the Tesla car to leave the parking space and navigate around obstacles to reach the owner.

It is understood that Tesla’s “Smart Summon” function uses external cameras to identify the surrounding environment and objects, and will actively brake when necessary.Support calling your own car up to 60 meters awayprovided the car needs to be kept within the owner’s line of sight (for safety).


It is unclear why the Tesla did not identify the parked plane, and there is no further information on the damage to the plane and the vehicle itself.

I need to remind everyone that although some functions are novel, they do not necessarily mean that they are easy to use. You can try them, but you must distinguish the occasion.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Luomuarticle error correction

Hashtags: Tesla Model Y Tesla electric cars

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