
In recent years, when it comes to the biggest unsolved mystery in the gaming industry, when “GTA6” will be released should be counted as one. Despite this, endless revelations still emerge from time to time, and the truth and falsehoods among them will ultimately have to be falsified or confirmed after the official announcement of the game or even the release. A few days ago, Chris_Klippel, founder of Rockstar Magazine and the god of breaking news, gave the latest report saying that “GTA6” was developed based on the RAGE 9 (Fury) engine, and the current test results have incredible awesome pictures. He tickles everyone’s appetite and says that the development version has received very positive feedback, and fans should not be disappointed, after all, the engine is ahead of its time. The same source previously stated that the “GTA6” project is in unprecedented chaos and will not be released until 2025. This does not seem to be groundless. Recently, the PC version of “GTA5 Enhanced Edition” has been rated and recognized. It seems that R Star will delay time and squeeze the last remaining value of “GTA5” by the way. According to the data, the Rage engine was developed by Rage Technology, a subsidiary of R-Star San Diego Studio. It was first used in the 2006 game “R-Star Table Tennis”. This engine has been used by R-Star to develop advanced open .
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