
Today, China Lunar Exploration and Chang’e Company released the world’s first digital collections of lunar soil on Baidu Super Chain, as well as the Space Rabbit and Zhurong series of digital collections, all of which are inspired by the milestones of China’s deep space exploration. The Yueyang digital collection is provided with technical support by Baidu Super Chain. It is released in limited quantities on the dual platforms of Baidu App and Xiaodu App, and sold out within 1 minute of going online. It is understood that in 2020, Chang’e 5 will return from space with 1731 grams of lunar soil, realizing China’s first unmanned lunar sampling return. The digital collection of lunar soil is based on the real lunar soil brought back by Chang’e 5. The technicians use a microscope to magnify about 250 times and then extract local scans to generate digital images. It is limited to 1,731 copies on Baidu App and Xiaodu App. The images of the Space Rabbit and Zhurong series of digital collections come from my country’s first lunar rover, Yutu and the first Mars rover, Zhurong. These are the unique achievements of China’s deep space exploration, which are permanently recorded and passed down in the form of digital collections. Moreover, based on Baidu Super Chain technology, each digital collection has a unique, non-tamperable, real-time verifiable ID, which is a rare collection that every aerospace enthusiast can own. .
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