
from Karsten Scholz
Marcus Lehto, once co-creator of the Halo universe and “father of the Master Chief”, has now commented on the new live-action series for the Halo franchise via Twitter.

It started in March 2022, the new one Live-action series for the Halo universe. On Paramount+ and in Germany via Sky Germany. Season 1 consists of nine episodes. Embodying the iconic Master Chief Pablo Schreiber, who you may know from 13 Hours, Orange is the New Black or Criminal Squad. The artificial intelligence known from the games Cortana is (as in the games) by jen taylor spoken. dr Catherine Halsey is in turn by Natasha McElhone played (Solaris, Ronin, Truman Show, Californication). Season 2 is already confirmed.

Kind of Halo, but kind of different too

And how good is the new series? Unfortunately, the author of these lines has only been able to get a taste of it so far. The first episode starts off quite promisingly: the action is staged quite well (although it’s amazing that a stationary turret does significantly more damage in the hands of a Master Chief than in the hands of normal people) and you can see the everywhere Play familiar assets (armor, weapons, enemy types, vehicles).

But even before the end credits of the first episode, the first blatant break comes: The faceless in the games because superhuman (or maybe even dehumanized?) Master Chief takes off his helmet. It should probably be even more inappropriate in a later episode: The Master Chief shows his bare bottom and has sex (via PC gamers). I kinda doubt that’s exactly what the numerous Halo fans were hoping for from the series.

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