
IT House News on May 24, according to the National Energy Group, on May 20, the National Energy Group Ningxia Electric Power Ningdong Company (hereinafter referred to as Ningdong Company) “replacement heavy truck green transportation (logistics) demonstration project” was successfully completed and completed. officially put into use,The project is the first photovoltaic direct power exchange station in the country.

IT House learned that in the first phase of the project, 2 swap stations were completed and put into operation.Covering an area of ​​600 square meters, it can serve 100 heavy duty trucks.

According to reports, the project uses the plant site to build a power exchange station, and the green power generated by the distributed photovoltaics in the plant provides the power supply for the power exchange station.The replacement station is unattended, and the vehicle can realize fully automatic energy supply within 3-5 minuteswhich can provide the transporter with services such as tram separation, battery rental, exchangeable and upgradeable services.

The National Energy Group stated that during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, Ningdong Company plans to expand the power station and replace all about 200 diesel heavy trucks and construction machinery that serve the company with new energy vehicles.

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