
The joke comes true!The man was arrested for drunk driving and drank half a bottle of beer in front of the traffic police, but he didn’t run away

There is such a joke circulating on the Internet, if you are drunk and driving,If you encounter a traffic police card check, quickly drink in front of the hand.In this way, the traffic police can’t judge the blood alcohol content when they are checked, and it is not counted as drunk driving!

In daily life, there are many cases that come true, and there are many people who want to be clever.

According to reports, on April 20, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, a man refused to cooperate with the traffic police after being investigated for drunk driving. He also picked up a bottle of beer from the car and drank it in front of the police.

The police immediately stopped him and took him to the sobering room of the traffic police team. After blood test,The man’s blood alcohol content was as high as 279.7mg/100ml, and he was considered a drunk driver.


So, when checking for drunk driving, if you encounter a driver who is drinking in person, can you still determine that he was driving under the influence just now?

There are also special legal provisions for this. According to Article 6 of the “Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Drunk Driving Motor Vehicles”:

When a criminal suspect is inspected by a public security organ according to law, in order to evade legal prosecution, he drinks alcohol before the breath alcohol content test or blood sample is drawn.Those whose blood alcohol content reaches the intoxication standard upon examination shall be deemed to be drunk driving.

For car owners, this kind of cleverness can’t be played. If it was originally a drunk driving, forcibly imitating jokes, drinking again in front of the traffic police, and the result of blood draw was upgraded from drunk driving to drunk driving, the personal price would be even greater.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: drunk driving cars drunk driving

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