
IT House News on April 24th, according to the China Lunar Exploration Project, today, we ushered in the seventh China Space Day. Taking this opportunity, the winners of the creative design of the Chang’e 7 and the asteroid exploration science test load are sent to Quan Quan. Public announcement (see the list of winners at the end of the article).

On June 23, 2020, the National Space Administration, together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, issued the “Chang’e-7 and Asteroid Exploration Science Test Load Creative Design Solicitation Activity” announcement of”.

Wu Yanhua, deputy administrator of the National Space Administration, said today,The fourth phase of the lunar exploration project officially started the project development this yearChina Aerospace will adhere to the frontier of world aerospace development and the major strategic needs of national aerospace, launch Chang’e 6, Chang’e 7, and Chang’e 8 probes one after another, and carry out mission-critical technological breakthroughs and the construction of an international lunar scientific research station.Among them, Chang’e-6 plans to sample the far side of the moon, and is demonstrating the construction of a constellation of communication and navigation satellites around the moon.

IT House attaches the list of winners:

Call for Creative Design of Asteroid Exploration Popular Science Test Load

List of winners

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