At the beginning of the yearyou have been presented with a curiositya book Zelda of which you are the hero or rather the heroine released in Japan in 1986 for the release of The Legend of Zelda. The opportunity to discover beautiful illustrations, vintage as desired, as we like them (see here.) Today, rebelotte. Always thanks to History of Hyrule which seeks and archives all documents related to the Legendwe invite you to discover The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce of the Gods, which seems to be the last book Zelda of which you are the hero released in Japan in 1992 for the release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. As for the previous title, the book once again contains magnificent illustrations that you can find below or, squarely, in leafing through the book– History of Hyrule having as usual, scanned every page, for all fans to enjoy. Still a piece of history and a great find even though History of Hyrule specifies that the book has some small design problems with puzzles not referring to the right pages for example.
Do not hesitate to take a look at website of History of Hyrule and subscribe to their Twitter account. And as always, let us know what you think in the comments.
See also about The Legend of Zelda
Here it is! The 600dpi scans for the last, missing, full Japanese Gamebook/CYOA for the Zelda series that I know of! This one has some of the absolute best illustrations, I love them with all my heart… but is also apparently the buggiest ???? Find it here:
—History of Hyrule????????
?????????????????? (@HistoryofHyrule) May 21, 2022
The post The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce of the Gods: a look at the illustrations of a book in which you are the hero dating from 1992 for the release of Zelda: A Link to the Past – Nintendo appeared first on Gamingsym.