The Amazonian waters are home to a multitude of underwater species. However, some of them are extremely dangerous. In addition to caimans and piranhas, it is possible to meet the candiru, a small fish known to infiltrate the male genitalia.
A parasitic fish
Also called “Brazilian vampire fish” or “Amazonian waters vampire”, this small fish is part of the family of Trichomycteridae. Measuring between three and five centimeters long, it is one of the smallest vertebrates in the world. Usually hidden in the bottom of the river, this parasitic fish stalks other fish to feed on their blood.
the Candiru first enters the natural orifices of the fish, deploys its spikes to stay hooked, bites and cuts an artery to feed on their blood. Its attack lasts between 30 and 145 seconds. According to scientistshe can also feed himself by skinning a corpse in the space of a few minutes.
Only one documented case so far
Brazil’s vampire fish fuels several local legends. One of these legends tells that human corpses were found nibbled from the inside by a hundred of these predators. Thus, he is very feared by the Amazon people.
In October 1997, a candiru of more than thirteen centimeters is said to have entered the penis of a young Amazonian who relieved himself in a river. In immense pain, he tried to extract the fish by himself. However, the fish still managed to force its way through the urethra. He went to the hospital for treatment. Anoar Samad, the urological surgeon who handled his case, says the fish was caught using alligator clips. He specifies that the animal was already dead when it was extracted.
Although it may cause many fears, scientists indicate that its dangerousness is exaggerated. Marine biologist Stephen Spotte, who investigated the case, says it is the only documented case of candiru infiltrating a human penis to date.
To go further, also discover 4 other vampire animals whose bloodthirsty behavior you did not suspect.
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