
A gas station in Shaanxi has about 90% of gasoline water content

According to CCTV.com, recently, after several car owners in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, refueled at a local gas station, their vehicles broke down and broke down on the side of the road before they drove far. The gasoline drawn from the fuel tank was obviously stratified, and there was sedimentary turbidity, and the owners immediately called the police.

The inspection report issued by the Shaanxi Provincial Energy Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute showed that the moisture content of gasoline samples at the gas station involved accounted for 88% of the oil. At present, the gas station involved has been investigated by the local police on suspicion of selling fake and shoddy products, and the relevant personnel of the gas station are under control.

Some netizens posted a video saying that on the evening of May 15, after he refueled at the Yanchang Petroleum Changqing Gas Station (Changqing Oilfield Oil and Gas Distribution Station) near the Cuijiagou turntable in Hantai District, Hanzhong City, the car turned off not long after driving. “Lie Wo”, when he returned to the gas station, he found that many car owners had the same experience with him.

The Jimu News reporter contacted the gas station involved. The staff said that there was a problem with the 21 cars that were refueling between 8:55 and 9:20 on the evening of the 15th. The car has been properly dealt with. “As long as there is a problem because of our fuel, we will solve it and repair it.”

The gas station provided a fact sheet on May 16, saying that “due to the negligence of the staff on duty at the gas station, the liquid level gauge was damaged, and the oil in the tank could not be seen, and the accumulated liquid for many years was added to multiple vehicles. cause damage.”

Hanzhong Changqing Oilfield Oil and Gas Distribution Station was established in March 1993. Its legal representative is Li Moumou. Its business scope includes sales of refined oil products, but the actual appearance of the gas station is decorated with elements related to “Yanchang Petroleum”.

A gas station in Shaanxi has about 90% of gasoline water content

Many netizens questioned why the oil and gas distribution station of Changqing Oilfield was named “Yanchang Petroleum”.The person in charge of the Product Quality and Safety Supervision and Management Section of the Hanzhong Market Supervision Bureau responded that this is based on the information registered on the industrial and commercial business license. , qualified can.

However, according to surging news reports, a staff member of the Hanzhong branch of PetroChina Yanchang Petroleum Sales Co., Ltd. told that the gas station involved is not a system with them, and the Changqing gas station has not pulled oil in (Yanchang). “First of all, there is no problem with our self-examination. They have never released a warehouse on our side.”

A gas station in Shaanxi has about 90% of gasoline water content

Hashtag: gas station refueling air refueling

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