
The world-famous instant messenger WhatsApp seems to have given way to Telegram in Russia. He left the first place in popularity.

We are talking about the rating of applications in the Apple App Store. If you look at the Russian app store for iOS and iPadOS, you will notice that Telegram is in first place in the “Social Networks” section, which includes both social networks and instant messengers. Once the most popular both in the world and in Russia, WhatsApp has moved to second place – it is no longer the leader in popularity among users of “apple” devices. In terms of the number of downloads all over the world, both messengers “go” approximately on a par – in April, 8 million each.

App Store

By the way, the VK application is in third place, and Viber, which is also a fairly popular service in the CIS countries, is already on the sixth line. This is what the Russian top 6 in the category looks like now:

App Store

Experts say that Telegram has become a leader thanks to news channels – in the past few months, it has been convenient for people to receive news inside the messenger. WhatsApp does not yet have this functionality. In addition, the “green” messenger supports much fewer devices than Telegram: there is still no WhatsApp app for the iPad, and support for iOS 10 and 11 will end in the next few months. Telegram can even be installed on iOS 9, and it will be the most recent version with support for all functions.

Earlier, we talked about how to share the screen of your smartphone or PC during a call via Telegram. And also about how to clean gigabytes of garbage in WhatsApp on iPhone.


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